
Technical Problem 5 from Fiberglass Compression Molding--Swell.

Technical Problem 5 from Fiberglass Compression Molding--Swell. 
Description:a semicircular swell on the surface of solidified fiberglass compression molding part.
Condition 1:Entrapped air between fiberglass sheets.Solution:Remove the interlayer air by pre-pressing method and reduce the feeding area to facilitate the discharge of air. 
Condition 2:The tooling temperature is too high (evaporation of monomer).Solution:low tooling temperature. 
Condition 3:Solidifying period is too short (evaporation of monomer).Solution:Extend solidifying period.
Condition 4:There is dry fiber.Solution:Reduce the viscosity of the resin.Install more work rolls in the impregnation area, and heat the dip rollers.Replace the glass fiber.
Condition 5:There are burrs in the cavity of fiberglass compression  tooling.Solution:Carefully remove the burrs in cavity of tooling.
Condition 6:Fiberglass sheet is too soft.Solution:Increase the thickening of fiberglass SMC raw material or increase the content of thickener.

