
Technical Problem 4 from Fiberglass Compression Molding--Many small surface holes.

Technical Problem 4 from Fiberglass Compression Molding--Many small surface holes. 

Description:if there are too many small holes in the surface it will be difficult to release the fiberglass molding products. 

Condition 1:The feeding area is too large, and the surface air is not discharged due to the short process.
Solution:Reduce the feeding area and add small material sheet at the top of the large sheet.
Condition 2:The clipping edges are too large.   Solution:Repair clipping edges. 
Condition 3:There is dry fiber.The initial viscosity of the resin paste is too high. The glass fiber is not fully saturated.
Solution:Reduce the initial viscosity of the resin paste, increase the work roll in the impregnation area, and replace the glass fiber.
Condition 4:Pre-gelled area on the fiberglass molding part. Solution:Reduce mold temperature and add inhibitor to resin paste. 
Condition 5:SMC material dry.
Solution:When using the anti-seepage film to wrap the SMC material, the quantity of zinc stearate can not be prepared too much. 

Condition 6:Fiberglass SMC material too soft.
Solution:Increase thickening time or increase thickening temperature to increase thickening viscosity level. 

Condition 7:Insufficient pressure.    Solution:Increase fiberglass molding pressure.

