
Analysis of reasons for Warpage of Plastic Injection Molding Products-1

With the development of the plastics injection molding industry, people have higher and higher requirements on the appearance and performance of plastic injected parts. The degree of warpage deformation is one of the important indicators for evaluating product quality, and it is more and more concerned and valued by mold designers. Mold designers hope to predict the possible warpage of plastic parts during the design phase in order to optimize the design and then they can improve the efficiency and quality of injection molding, shorten the mold design cycle and reduce costs. I take this change to analyze the factors affecting the warpage of injection molded products during the design process of plastic injection molds.

1. Effect of the mold structure on the warpage of plastic injection products:In terms of mold design, themain factors affecting the deformation of plastic parts are pouring system, cooling system and ejection system.

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Technical Problem 7 from Fiberglass Compression Molding-- Warpage

Technical Problem 7 from Fiberglass Compression Molding-- Warpage 
Description 1:The Fiberglass Compression Molding part is slightly warped. 
Condition 1:Warpage due to shrinkage during hardening and cooling. 
Solution:To cool fiberglass molding parts in fixture.To use low or no shrinkage resin. 
Condition 2:The temperature of half mold is higher than other half.
Solution:Reduce mold temperature difference.
Description 2:The Fiberglass Compression Molding part is seriously warped.
Condition:Particularly long process cause fiberglass orientation and then result in warpage.Solution:To increase the feeding area,shorten the process and use low shrinkage or shrink free resin.


Technical Problem 6 from Fiberglass Compression Molding--Mucosa

Technical Problem 6 from Fiberglass Compression Molding--Mucosa 
Description 1:The Fiberglass Molding part is difficult to remove from the mold, and the fiberglass sheet sticks to the mold in some areas.

Condition 1:Mold temperature is too low.
Solution:Increase the mold temperature. 
Condition 2:Solidifying time is too short.
Solution:Extend solidifying time. 
Condition 3:It is too long to open the outer packaging of Fiberglass sheet.
Solution:Always keep the Fiberglass sheet sealing before using them.
Condition 4:Without special treatment before using new molds or long-term unused molds.
Solution:To use release agent to help demoulding for first several cyclings. 
Condition 5:The mold surface is too rough.Solution:better surface polishing.
Description2:It is difficult to demould the solidified fiberglass molding parts.In some areas
the fiberglass raw material sticks to the mold, and the surface of the final parts has some 
microholes and scars.
Condition:The feeding area is too large, the air can not be discharged, and the air impedes solidifying.
Solution:Reduce the feeding area and add small sheet at the top of the large sheet.


Technical Problem 5 from Fiberglass Compression Molding--Swell.

Technical Problem 5 from Fiberglass Compression Molding--Swell. 
Description:a semicircular swell on the surface of solidified fiberglass compression molding part.
Condition 1:Entrapped air between fiberglass sheets.Solution:Remove the interlayer air by pre-pressing method and reduce the feeding area to facilitate the discharge of air. 
Condition 2:The tooling temperature is too high (evaporation of monomer).Solution:low tooling temperature. 
Condition 3:Solidifying period is too short (evaporation of monomer).Solution:Extend solidifying period.
Condition 4:There is dry fiber.Solution:Reduce the viscosity of the resin.Install more work rolls in the impregnation area, and heat the dip rollers.Replace the glass fiber.
Condition 5:There are burrs in the cavity of fiberglass compression  tooling.Solution:Carefully remove the burrs in cavity of tooling.
Condition 6:Fiberglass sheet is too soft.Solution:Increase the thickening of fiberglass SMC raw material or increase the content of thickener.