
Arrangement of Cavities in the Plastic Injection Mold

The arrangement of cavities depends on effective use of die area, the arrangement of runner and flow resistance of the gate. There are two types, the one is balance arrangement of runner (Fig 1 and 2) and the other one is unbalance arrangement (Fig 3 and 4). The balance arrangement of runner, gate shape and size are exactly the same. System can realize filling and the gate of solidification at the same time, which can easy to produce the same performance products. The unbalance arrangement has the advantage of shorter runner, cavity arrangement more compact. But the material has not completely filled the cavities in same case for unbalance runner arrangement. Usually the cavities closest to the sprue are the most completely filled, the cavities may be in a short shot for these far from the sprue.
1.The balance arrangement     

                            2. The balance arrangement
                            3. The unbalance arrangement
4.The unbalance arrangement
The primary requirement for the arrangement of the cavities is to reduce the loose of temperature of molten polymer and fill out the cavities at the same time and similar conditions such as injection pressure, speed, etc. Fig 5 is the design of branching runner and overflow. Ventilation channel can be designed in prolongation of the overflow (Fig 6).

                           5. Branching of runner and overflow
6. Ventilation channel design

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