
Design of Letters and Decorative Pattern

Number types of letters, sign or pattern are used on plastic injected parts, generally for purposes of identification such as trade mark or decoration. Fig 1.a shows raised letters. Raised letters are often less costly than depressed letters, because the raised letters are molded from letters recessed in the mold cavity, while depressed letters require the mold steel to be cut all around them Fig 1.b.  Fig 1.c is better design. The letters are embedded within the injection mold in the form of blocks (Fig 1.d) , easy to process mould and plastic pieces of the mark or symbol not easy to be wear.

Fig 1 Letters design

Hobbing of the mold, wherever possible, will often aid in reducing the total cost of making raised letters on the injection mold. The letters in this case would be cut into the hob, and the hob itself would be forced into a softer steel, after hardening, would become the mold. Raised decorations generally allow some savings in molding. Many types of letters and numerals, as well as some types of decorative design, can be raised in the cavity by hobbing.
A raised letter is visible if it is only 0.003 in. high. Letters normally 1/64 in. high are easily read, because they catch sharp highlights. Letters that are over 0.030 in. high should be tapered and have fillets at the base. Raised letters can be decorated or painted by roll coating.

The cost of applying molded-in letters to a plastic injected parts will vary. Tab 1 gives comparative costs for raised, depressed or photo etched letters that are made by either a machined or hobbed cavity.

Tab 1 Comparative tool cost of producing letters

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Hinge Design in plastic injection molding

A hinge is defined as a joined or flexible device on which a door, lid, or other swinging part turns. Two basic of hinges are used in plastic injected parts design, molded-in hinges and formed hinges. Molded hinges can be used for some, but not all, thermoplastic, such as PP or POM. Where hinges are needed thermoplastic materials that have excellent toughness, ductility and fatigue resistance, such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), nylon 6, and nylon 66, Polyformaldehyde (POM) are used primarily. The molded-in hinge is used more widely since it can be molded by the standard injection molding process, as Fig 1.

Fig 1 Molded-in hinges

One of polymer property of molecular orientation greatly affects the durability and long-term performance of a hinge. Molecular orientation which transverse to center axis of a hinge will withstand many flexing cycles as show in Fig 2.

Fig 2 Hinge design

The design of the plastic hinge need to pay attention to several points. Radius of curvature part of the hinge using thin-wall as possible, easy to bend and overlap. Hinge section shape should be symmetrical. When the hinge turn, hinged parts of space should be set aside, which increases the size of hinge parts. Material in the molding process should be conducive to the formation and folding direction vertical orientation, which can improve the fatigue strength of plastic hinge. Mould design of gate location should be chosen not far away from the hinge and on the hinge the orientation in the injection molding process of location.

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Warpage in Plastic Injection Molding

When plastic material is injected into a mold cavity, it is cooled and solidifies to form a part that is made to final part dimensions. However, if the cooling of this part in the mold is not uniform, differences in part shrinkage can occur, causing the part to distort. This condition is referred to in the injection molding industry as warpage. Warpage is also the result of excessive stresses that are built into a part during the molding process. Here are some causes and solutions below for warpage of plastic injected parts.
An injection speed that is too fast will increase the melt temperature, forcing the melt to overpack the cavity. This overpacking creates molded-in stresses in the part, which warp the part. Solutions: Decreasing the melt temperature if the injection speed is too fast.
The injection speed is too slow, the viscosity of the material increases the amount of packing pressure needed to fill the cavity. This higher packing pressure adds molded-in stresses in the part, causing warpage. Solutions: Increasing the injection speed to decrease the holding pressure needed to fill the cavity.
Long injection forward times contribute to part warpage by allowing more time for more material to overpack the cavity. Solutions: Limiting the injection forward time.
If not enough gates are used to fill a part, higher packing pressure occur to fill out the plastic injected part, producing molded-in stresses. Solutions: Increasing the number of gates reduces the packing pressure by distributing the pressure over a number of gates.
Running the mold haves at different temperatures can cause shrinkage in one direction to help overall warpage. Plastic injected parts have a tendency to warp toward hotter mold halves since this causing higher shrinkage. Solutions: Location and placement of cooling lines should be reviewed to ensure that even efficient cooling is taking place to the part.

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Weld Lines in Plastic Injected Parts

Weld lines also called knit lines, are formed when two melt fronts converge and join forming a thin fine line in the plastic injected parts. This can be seen in untextured parts and in highly polished surfaces. The two converging melt fronts cool rapidly and bond poorly when they join. At this melt junction, gas is also trapped by the converging melt fronts. These fine lines cause a major weakness in the part that can caused part failure in its end use. Differences in gloss can also be noticed in weld line areas. Here are some causes and solutions below weld lines of plastic injected parts.
Moisture in the material due to insufficient drying can form at the melt front, forming an interface between the two melt fronts. This creates a weakness in the parts structure. Low melt temperatures cause the melt  fronts to cool faster, causing converging melt fronts to bond poorly. Slow injection speeds will allow the melt fronts to cool early in the part fill, and by the time the two melt front join, poor and weak bonding of the melt front occurs.
Low mold temperature cause the melt front to cool fast and set up before the converging melt fronts join. This creates weak weld lines and more pronounced weld lines. Poor venting at the location where melt fronts come together results in gas trapping at the melt front, preventing the melt fronts from coming together.
Using recommended drying conditions for the material is advised. Increasing melt temperatures increase flow and improve the melt front bonding. High packing and hold pressures are needed to adequately force the two melt fronts to join and bond, and to fill out the part completely to assure strong weld line strength or even to eliminate weld lines. Increasing hold time or packing time will also improve weld strength.
Raising the mold temperature will keep the material molten longer, resulting in stronger weld lines and even elimination of weld lines. Adding vents, using overflows, or using porous metal inserts can force air out, improving the weld line.

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Dimensional Stability of Plastic Injected Parts

  Dimensional stability problems occur when a part is inconsistent in part size or in part weight from shot to shot. Plastic injected parts that are underweight can suffer in structural integrity; overweight parts can also suffer from integrity due to molded-in stresses and increased part costs. Here are some causes and solutions below for dimensional stability of plastic injected parts.
When injection pressure transfers on time or hydraulic pressure, plastic injectedparts weight and size can vary since any change in hydraulic pressure can cause too little material to fill one shot and too much material the next. Transfer due to screw position is found to provide improved object weight and dimensional stability. Undersized nozzle or sprue size can restrict the amount of material that enters through the gate and into the cavity. Too short a closed mold time will cause the part to shrink more.
High mold temperatures can result in too small parts. This can be noticed even more in semicrystalline material such as polyethylene and polypropylene. Plastic injected parts can be made that are oversized, indicating that not enough shrinkage is occurring. Excessive packing pressure can push too much material into the cavity. A hotter mold will slowly cure the part, and upon ejection, will be warm and continue to shrink.
The screw position can be set to fill the cavity about 95%, and then the remaining 5% can be filled on hold pressure. The pack pressure is increased to fill the cavity with sufficient material, the injection forward time is increased, and the fill time to force more material into the cavity faster is also increased. Enlarging the nozzle and sprue will permit more material to flow into the gate and cavity. Increasing mold closed time will keep more pressure on the melt and cavity and increase the part size.
Lowering mold temperatures will allow the material to cure faster in the mold and reduce shrinkage. Reducing packing pressure permits the material to shrink away from the cavity. A cold mold surface will cure the part faster, resulting in a cooler ejected part that will not shrink much more.

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Radiusing the plastic injected parts

One of the most common errors is sharp corners in plastic injected parts design. Designing with sharp corners may failure in final use because the sharp corners are areas of high stress concentration and drastically reduce the impact feature of plastic injected parts. At the same time, it can prolong the service life of products.
In general guideline, that removing sharp corners to radiuse corners or transitions is highly recommended to eliminate stress concentration, and it will increase the strength of the corner and transition and facilitate flow of the plastic material. Fig 1 and Fig 2 illustrate recommended design for using radii in corner to add strength, and help eliminate warpage.

Fig 1 Radii design for corners

Fig 2 Curves and fillets in a injection molded part prevent stress concentrations

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